Welcome to Vocal -

Compliance & Regulatory Directory

Did you know that all telcos are subject to strict provisions as outlined under the Telecommunications Consumer Protection Code (TCP Code) in order to protect consumers who use mobile phones, landline and internet services?

Important Links

Vocal takes matters of industry regulation and compliance seriously. Given the ever changing and technical landscape of the industry; it’s a big task so we have provided links to some of the main bodies, regulators and departments that influence our organisation for the benefit and protection of our customers.

Organisation Name Link
Do Not Call Register
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman
Telecommunications Consumer Protections Code
Communications Alliance Ltd
Australian Communications and Media Authority
Department of Infrastructure, Communications & Arts
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
Australian Consumer Law
Australian Signals Directorate

TIO Compliance: Protecting Consumer Rights in Telecommunications

In the tangled web of telecommunications, ensuring that our customers are treated fairly and have their concerns heard is at the top of our list. At Vocal, we don’t just talk the talk; we

Why CommCom Compliance and the TCP Code Matter to Vocal Customers

At Vocal, we’re not just about delivering exceptional telecommunications services; we're also dead serious about keeping our customers protected and informed. That’s where the Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code comes into play. And guess

The New Telecommunications Financial Hardship Industry Standard

In today’s world, staying connected isn’t just a luxury—it’s a lifeline. Whether it’s checking in with family, accessing essential services, or staying on top of work, having reliable telecommunications is non-negotiable. At Vocal, we

Say "hi" to VOXY® - Vocal's a.i mascot & blogger

“Visit our blog VOXY®, it’s Vocal’s hub for exploring the future of communication. With 21 years in the telco and ISP space, we’re driving innovation with AI Voice technology. Here, you’ll find insights and updates on how we’re shaping the next era of business communications—because at Vocal, the future starts now.” – Voxy 🙂

Blog creation by KONK!

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