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Your Vocal Account

Here you’ll find information about your account with us, including our online self-help tools, your payment options, managing your data and estimating usage costs and more!

The Vocal Customer Portal

Vocal has always prioritised the practice of accurate and timely billing.

We continually look at ways to improve the presentation of billing information and assist our customers with innovative tools and information they need to better manage their account with us and costs.

Pay Your Vocal Bill

With so many options, Vocal makes it easy to pay your monthly bill.

If you have any difficulty paying your bill on-time, you must let us know before the bill becomes due so that we can help you come to a payment arrangement or plan to get your costs under control.

Australia’s preferred method to pay bills. With Bpay, you can make payments from your cheque, savings or credit card account.

To learn more, please contact your bank or visit: www.bpay.com.au

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

With EFT, you can pay your bill directly into our business bank account.

Vocal Channels Pty Limited
Bank: St George Bank
BSB: 112-879 Account: 446918158

Pay in person at Australia Post

For ease and convenience, you can pay your Vocal bill in person at any Post Office throughout Australia by cash, cheque or from your cheque or savings account.

Subject to a $2.50 transaction fee for each payment.

Click on this link for help to find your nearest Australia Post Office

Pay by telephone

Call 1300 796700 to pay amounts less than $5,000 using your VISA or MasterCard.

Credit card payments incur a 2% surcharge on transaction amount.

Pay online

Visit www.vocal.com.au to make secure payment of your Vocal bill using a VISA or MasterCard.

Credit card payments incur a 2% surcharge on transaction amount.

To make an online payment now, click on the ‘credit card’ icon at the top of the website or the click here

Pay by mail

Detach the payment slip on your Vocal bill and return it together with your cheque or money order to:

Vocal Channels Pty Ltd, PO Box 1020, Surry Hills NSW 2010

Pay automatically by direct debit

Pay your bill automatically from a nominated bank account or credit card. For an application please call 1300 796700 or download an application below:

Application for Direct Debit

Understanding Your Vocal Bill

Vocal makes it easy for customers to view and understand all of their voice, mobile and data charges which are itemised on your bill.

View or download the document to see a sample bill and know what to expect for your first and on-going monthly bills

Choose How You Receive Your Bill

Vocal offers a choose of billing formats for you to choose the way you’d prefer to receive your monthly bill. Whatever your preferred method, all bills and fully itemised helping you manage your usage and costs.
Emailed bill

Save time and money with the convenience of having your bill emailed as a .pdf file each month.

As our preferred method to send bills, customers who provide an email address will automatically have their bills send via email unless advised differently. If for some reason that you do not receive your bill, please check your email junk or clutter folders to ensure that they have received their bill or call Vocal on 1300 796700.

Printed bill

Call or write to us if you’d prefer your bill to be printed and posted to a nominated address. Our bills are printed on 100% recycled paper and posted via Australia Post.

Printed bills contain the same itemised information and bill reporting details (if requested) as with emailed bills. Printed itemisation of local calls is not included and can be found on the Vocal web portal.

A monthly fee of $5.00 inclusive of GST applies for the printing and posting of bills.

Web portal

For secure 24x7x365 access to your billing information, Vocal customers can access the Self-help portal.

The portal allows customers to view current and historical bills (up to 2 years), run customised reports, view unbilled charges and usage, update account details and more…

Call or email us at [email protected] to set-up your secure login details to access the Self-help portal today.

Vocal Bill Customisation & Reporting

If you’re running a business or just need to better manage your services and costs; then you’ll appreciate our free productivity tools.

Unlike most of our competitor’s; Vocal can work with you to customise the information and layout of your monthly bill providing you with informative reporting features designed to meet your needs.
Bill customisation

Your Vocal bill can be customised in a variety of ways to best suit your needs:

  • Itemise service numbers under different departments or cost centres.
  • Multi-site organisations can select any number of sub-offices to receive either summery or itemised bills.
  • Customised labelling of service numbers with a staff member or department name.
  • Extension level billing (technical limitations apply) allowing for the labelling of each extension with the staff member name and department for easy reconciliation.

Call Vocal on 1300 796700 for more information about our complimentary bill customisation service.

Bill reports

Your Vocal bill can be customised in a variety of ways to best suit your needs:

  • Call spend by type
  • Most expensive calls
  • Longest calls
  • Summary by Charge Type
  • Service Summary
  • Call Itemisation Mobile Calls
  • Call Itemisation National Calls
  • Call Itemisation International Calls
  • Summary by Call Type (Pie graph)
  • Traffic Profile per hour (bar graph)
  • Traffic Profile per day (bar graph)

Call Vocal on 1300 796700 for more information about our complimentary bill reporting service.

Managing Your Data Usage

Vocal provides a range of Spend Management Tools available to help you manage your usage and spend levels on your service(s). Below are some useful spend management tools to help you stay in control of your usage and spend.

Our billing cycle
We produce our bills according to a monthly billing cycle which is influenced by a number of factors including the provision of call data supplied by Carrier networks.

In general, our bills are produced with an issued date of the 5th day of every month which is dependent on weekends, national public holidays and alike.

In most cases unless otherwise advised, any data or call allowance connected to your service(s) will be reset on the first day of the new billing cycle.
Viewing unbilled charges

Customers including their authorised representatives may access our Self-help portal at no charge to review bill history, reports and unbilled charges.

This helpful tool also allows the user to export historical or unbilled billing data to other applications such as excel or word and generate customised reports.

Please contact Customer Support to enable us to activate this feature. You will be given a temporary password that can easily be changed once you have accessed the portal.

*Note: Unbilled call data is generally delayed for up to 2 full business days and up to 3 months for international roaming data

Customer self-help portal

For secure 24x7x365 access to your billing information, Vocal customers can access the Self-help portal.

The portal allows customers to view current and historical bills (up to 2 years), run customised reports, view unbilled charges and usage, update account details and more…

Call or email us at [email protected] to set-up your secure login details to access the Self-help portal today.

Go to Self-help portal

Automated usage alerts
Vocal will alert all customers via an SMS, email or telephone calls when it is known that they have reached 50%, 85% and 100% of their monthly included value for each specific service.

These alerts are designed to help you manage your usage and monthly spend. It is important to take note of these alerts to help you control your monthly usage.
No excess usage fees on unlimited offers

Vocal does not charge excess usage fees on services that offer either unlimited calls or data.

Such inclusions are however subject to our Fair Use Policy and may not include certain types of calls or other exclusions and restrictions pertaining to the service as advised.

Estimating Your Data Usage

It is important to know that your usage allowance is the amount of data that you are allowed to transfer over the Internet before additional charges apply. This may include transferring data as download (from other computers to yours) or transferring data as upload (from your computer to others).

Understanding how much data you think you will use each month will make it easier to select the right plan for your needs.

When estimating your data usage, please ensure that you consider both your uploads and downloads as we calculate your data usage allowance as a total of both your download usage and upload usage.
How much do I download?
The following information is provided as a guide to assist users understand how much data they may download:

  • activities such as receiving and sending text emails, receiving and sending relatively short word processing documents and reading largely text-based Internet pages (browsing) would commonly use approximately 0.02 to 0.05 Mb per activity;
  • receiving or sending still pictures might be expected to use anywhere between 0.05 and 0.25 Mb per picture;
  • downloading a piece of music (a single 4-minute track, known as an MP3 file) could be expected to use about 4 Mb; and
  • downloading a 5 minute music video or a movie trailer, with moving pictures and sound could be expected to use about 30 Mb.
  • Downloading a 60 minute YouTube video in standard definition (SD) could be expected to use between 300 – 600 Mb
  • Downloading a 90 minute high definition (HD) movie with sound could be expected to use more than 2.5 – 3.5 Gb

1Mb = 1.024Kb
1Gb = 1,024Mb
How much do I upload?
The following information is provided as a guide to assist users understand how much data they may upload:

  • activities such as receiving and sending text emails, receiving and sending relatively short word processing documents and reading largely text-based Internet pages (browsing) would commonly use approximately 0.02 to 0.05 Mb per activity;
  • receiving or sending still pictures might be expected to use anywhere between 0.05 and 0.25 Mb per picture;
  • downloading a piece of music (a single 4-minute track, known as an MP3 file) could be expected to use about 4 Mb; and
  • downloading a 5 minute music video or a movie trailer, with moving pictures and sound could be expected to use about 30 Mb.
  • downloading a 60 minute YouTube video in standard definition (SD) could be expected to use between 300 – 600 Mb
  • downloading a 90 minute high definition (HD) movie with sound could be expected to use more than 2.5 – 3.5 Gb

1Mb = 1.024Kb
1Gb = 1,024Mb
What nbn® speed is right for my needs?
Vocal offers a range of nbn® speeds designed to suit different households and business needs, whether you have multiple people streaming content at once, or you simply like using the internet to email friends or send photos.

It’s important to learn about the actual speeds you can expect to experience once you make the switch to an nbn® plan, particularly during peak usage times.

Please note, not all speed tiers are available everywhere. The availability of speed tiers depends on the type and availability of the nbn® technology in your area. For more information please view our nbn® technology and speed guide

Important Information About Your Vocal Service

Find important information about your service with Vocal which can also be found on the reverse side of your monthly Vocal printed or emailed bill
Payment terms and conditions
Payments are due 14 days from invoice date. Please refer to our Standard Form of Agreement (SFOA) for a full list of our terms.
Late payment fees and charges
A late payment fee equal to the greater of either $10 for consumer accounts or 3% of the outstanding balance for business accounts, is charged each month until full payment is received by the due date.

Delinquent accounts risk referral to a debt collection agency and will incur a 27.5% debt collection fee.

A $25 dishonoured cheque fee applies to each returned cheque.
Payment processing fees
In consideration of RBA guidelines, Vocal levies a 2% surcharge which applies to payments using VISA or MasterCard. A $2.50 transaction fee applies to each Australia Post payment.

We do not accept payments by American Express or Diners Card.
Printed bill and reprint fees
A $5 bill print fee (inclusive of GST) is charged for each month we produce your bill.

You can elect to have your bill emailed at no cost.
Complaints and disputes

You are entitled to make a complaint should you become dissatisfied with our service. It is important that you familiarise yourself with our Complaint Handling Policy (CHP) which sets out important details concerning our processing of your complaint.

You must allow us at least 14 days to deal with your complaint. In the event we are unable to resolve your complaint, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO).

You risk being penalised for costs incurred by us resulting from any breach of our CHP including false or misleading statements to the TIO.

Cancellations and disconnections
You must notify us in writing if you wish to cancel or disconnect your service, subject to the terms of your agreement.

You may choose to switch your service to another provider but we cannot do this for you.
Service faults and difficulties

Call our 24 hour service desk on 1300 796700 or 0411 337777 (after hours & public holidays) to report a fault.

Fault restorations can only be actioned during business hours and generally resolved within 2 business days dependent on your location.

Please advice if you have a life threatening medical condition.

AI Voice is the next BIG leap in business telecoms 🚀

Launched 01.10.2024, VOXY® is Australia’s first Telco offering of AI Voice services to supercharge your business. Register now for our beta launch—first 100 clients receive a choice of Vocal 1300 service or  Vocal BizPhone Cloud PBX Softphone PAYG package at $0 cost


Be Part of Australia’s First
AI-Driven Telecom!

With a range of VOXY® AI Voice services launching 01.10.2024 – be the first to experience our customisable AI Voice (beta) services that answers calls, engages with customers, and even schedules meetings directly into Outlook or Gmail

Register Your Interest Today!

To ensure successful registration, all fields must be completed accurately. Incomplete submissions will not be processed. Any false, inappropriate, or salacious entries will be considered spam, resulting in a permanent ban from Vocal’s servers.

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Your Name

By registering your interest, you’ll secure the option to receive a Vocal BizPhone Cloud PBX Softphone PAYG package at no cost† – a special offer reserved for the first 100 clients who connect after the beta product launch on 01.10.2024^


Celebrating 21 years – Vocal’s commitment to innovation, great value and service remains as it did from all those years ago! So, isn’t it time you finally “give the big telco’s the flick”

No Obligation
No Upfront Payment
Australian Citizens 18+ Only

How It Works:

  1. Register Your Interest: Fill out the simple form to secure your spot.
  2. Stay Informed: We’ll keep you updated with the latest news and developments leading up to the launch.
  3. Connect After Launch: On 01.10.2024, be ready to connect and activate the VOXY® AI Voice Receptionist.
  4. Review the Offer: On the launch date, you’ll be provided with the full terms and charges associated with the VOXY® AI Voice Receptionist services.
  5. Claim Your Offer: The first 100 clients who choose to connect after reviewing the terms will enjoy a Vocal BizPhone Cloud PBX Softphone PAYG package at no cost when used in conjunction with an Vocal’s VOXY® AI Voice service†.


  • This offer is exclusively for the first 100 clients who connect to the VOXY® AI Voice Receptionist after launch. Registering your interest does not guarantee the free package but puts you in the running to be among the first to claim it.
  • The VOXY® AI Voice Receptionist (beta) services will be subject to specific terms and charges, disclosed on 01.10.2024. You are under no obligation to accept the offer once the costs and terms are revealed.
  • Eligibility: This offer is open only to Australian citizens over the age of 18. The service(s) are available to credit-approved business customers with an active ABN.
  • Product Review Requirement: For those lucky 100 businesses that receive the free package, we kindly ask that you provide an honest product review (minimum 25 words) if requested by Vocal.

New Years 2025 Offers

55% OFF VOXY® AI Voicemail™

55% OFF VOXY® AI Voice Assistant

Gmobile® $5 SIM & VOXY® Bundle

Meet your personalised VOXY® AI Voice Assistant – fully customisable and always on, delivering non-stop 24x7x365 support for your unique personal and business needs!

Submit Form For Your Free Test Call with VOXY® Now!

To ensure successful registration, all fields must be completed accurately. Incomplete submissions will not be processed. Vocal PrivacyOnline Security Policy

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Celebrating 21 years! – Vocal’s commitment to innovation, great value and service remains as it did from all those years ago! So, isn’t it time you finally “give the big telco’s the flick”

No Obligation
No Upfront Payment
Australian Citizens 18+ Only

^General Terms and conditions aply